1) I will not recommend a beauty product unless I have actually used it and loved it!
2) Most of the clothing and accessories I recommend I actually own & can speak to the quality of it. But, wish as I may, I can't own everything that I love! Aren't we in a recession? So, some of these items are on my "wish list" and will likely be on the wish list for a LONG time!
3) I really don't like negativity. You won't catch me insulting someone's style or clothes (that's just mean!). You won't see blog posts about products I hate. Let's focus on the positive.
4) Most of us can't afford $800 Manolo Blahniks (we can dream, can't we?). There may be a few rather expensive items I recommend (rather, covet), but for the most part, I will recommend reasonably priced items. You don't have to spend a fortune to be fashionable, and most of us don't have a fortune to spend!
5) Beauty isn't defined by a size or shape of body, nor color of skin, eyes or hair. We are all beautiful and unique women. We all have something to offer.